If you could accomplish one thing right now, what would it be?
Focus on Health
Kid-Friendly Veggies and Fruits
If you are searching for delicious snacks that kids really enjoy, and you want them to be nutritious and not just filling, here are our Top 5 snacks for little ones.
Making Sports Drinks At Home
At some point you may have asked yourself, “Should I be drinking sports drinks when I exercise?” If you listen to commercial ads, you might think the answer is yes. Ads tell us we should all be drinking sports drinks no matter how much (or little) we exercise. That is not the full story. (more…)
What Would Wakandans Eat?
While Wakanda may not be a real place, it is supposed to be located in East Africa. The exact location has varied throughout Marvel Comics, but one area that was suggested was the north end of Lake Turkana, making Wakanda somewhere between South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, and Ethiopia.