5 Ways to Use Thanksgiving Leftovers

There is no denying that the holidays look different in 2020. Resources may be tighter than usual. Making a Thanksgiving meal may be hard this year.

Meal or no meal, Thanksgiving is a time to pause and reflect on what we are all grateful for, even if it is the simple things. What are you grateful for this year?

If you are able to prepare a meal, it is important to not let any Thanksgiving leftovers go to waste. Get creative with your leftovers so that every last bite is enjoyed. Here are a few ways to use up your holiday favorites:

1. Stuffing waffles

Mix leftover crumbled stuffing with 2 eggs and cook the mixture in a waffle iron. Top the waffle with cranberry sauce!

Stuffing waffle

2. Turkey and stuffing quiche

Mix leftover turkey and stuffing with eggs and cheddar cheese for a quick and tasty quiche.

3. Shredded turkey pasta

Shred leftover turkey and add it to pasta with marinara sauce for a simple turkey pasta.

4. Turkey pot pie

Have a pot pie recipe you love? Recreate it with any leftover vegetables and shredded turkey from Thanksgiving. Add the ingredients into a casserole dish and cover it with whole grain pie crust before popping it in the oven for a cozy dinner!

Chicken pot pie with a slice cut out of it

5. Shredded turkey salad

Shred leftover turkey and add it to a bed of lettuce! Top your salad with balsamic vinaigrette dressing and a few small drops of cranberry sauce.

What is your favorite way to use your holiday leftovers?

Family holding hands around a table

Written by Taylor Newman, PhD Candidate | Edited by Leslie Davis, RDN, LD, CDCES