You know how you like them…whole vs ground into peanut butter, crunchy vs smooth, boiled vs raw, salted vs honey roasted…but did you know that Georgia is tops when it comes to peanut production in the U.S.? [1]

Peanuts are Georgia’s official state crop, and the state boasts the largest share of peanut production in the U.S. at nearly 50 percent for the 2019 crop. [2] It’s not just Georgians who like peanuts. The average American eats 3 pounds of peanut butter a year.[3]  And as Americans are snacking more than ever (In one recent survey [4] respondents say they are snacking almost a third more than usual),  you may be glad to hear that peanuts can be a healthful snack. One serving of peanuts is a good source of protein, vitamin E, niacin, folate, phosphorus and magnesium. Peanuts are naturally cholesterol-free and low in saturated fat.

Stopping at the recommended healthy portion of an ounce of peanuts –about a ¼ cup three to five times a week – can be a challenge. One strategy is to get the peanuts in the shell. The action of shelling slows down how fast you eat them and how much you consume. Fall is an easy time to find boiled peanuts in their shell as Georgia peanut farmers are busy harvesting their crops.

Peanuts and peanut butter (look for peanut butter with the least amount of added sugar) also work well in a variety of dishes. Here are some of our favorite ways to enjoy them:

west african peanut stew for slow cooker
Celery with pnut butter and raisins
Homemade Ants on a Log Snack with Celery Peanut Butter and Raisins

Boiled, roasted, in the shell, out of the shell, raw, ground up…anyway you eat them peanuts are a favorite budget friendly food.

Written by Laurel Sanville, MS, RDN, LD; Edited by the Nutrition Team

[1] Georgia Peanut Commission

[2] Agfax

[3] National Peanut Board

[4] IFIC 2020 survey