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various green vegetables lying next to each other

How to Make Greens Exciting

“Leafy greens” is a broad term that includes a wide variety of vegetables that are green and packed with beneficial nutrients [1]. Arugula, kale, chard, collards, mustard greens, spinach, bok choy, dandelion greens, amaranth, endive, and watercress are all examples of leafy greens. The texture and taste of leafy greens vary and can depend on whether they are eaten raw or cooked [1].  

Most are in season from March to June, making them a healthy addition to delicious spring and summer recipes!  

A graphic showing pictures of leafy greens as mentioned in previous paragraph.

Why We Love Greens

  • Leafy greens are packed with lots of great vitamins and minerals.  
  • They have vitamins A, C, E, and K, along with manganese, calcium, and phosphorus [1]. 
  • Vitamin A helps your eyes, skin, and bones stay healthy and keeps your immune system running smoothly.  
  • Vitamins C and E act as antioxidants. Diets high in antioxidants are linked to a lower risk of heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, and several other diseases. [2] 
  • Vitamin K helps blood clot when you get a cut and builds strong bones [2]. 
  • Spinach and dandelion greens are particularly good sources of iron, B vitamins, and copper [3]. 
  • Iron and copper team up to make red blood cells, and endives have zinc and pantothenic acid, which help your hair grow strong and healthy [4]. 


When buying leafy greens at the grocery store, choose crisp and deeply colored greens for the freshest and more nutrient-dense produce [1]. Watch out for yellowing or withering, slimy leaves, or brown spots. Stalks of Bok Choy should be firm, and watercress stems should not be slippery [5].  

Cleaning and Storing

hands rinsing fresh greens leaves under water in kitchen sink closeup.
  • When cleaning and storing greens, it is important to always wash them before storing them, as dirty produce can be covered in pathogens and bacteria [1]. 
  • After washing leafy greens, dry them thoroughly with a clean cloth or paper towel to prevent them from growing mold or rotting when stored [6].  
  • After washing, place the greens in a bag or container in the fridge to prevent contamination. This way, they can stay fresh for 3-5 days [6].  

Ways to Use and Cook Greens:  

  • Leafy greens can be eaten raw, making for a flavorsome base for any type of salad. Try our Spinach and Pecan Salad with a Lemon Vinaigrette for a delicious salad that can be enjoyed anytime.   
  • Leafy greens can be eaten steamed or sauteed as well. Keep in mind that some leafy greens, like spinach, cook faster than heartier leaves like kale.  
  • Have you tried baked kale chips?  Just add some olive oil and black pepper to some kale leaves and preheat the oven to 300 degrees. Once the oven is ready, bake the kale leaves on a baking sheet for 20-30 minutes and enjoy!  
  • Leafy greens are versatile and can be enjoyed in various dishes such as soups or egg dishes at any mealtime. Try our Spinach Fritatta for breakfast or our Vegan Mac and Cheese with Collards for lunch or dinner! 

Eating leafy greens is good for you because they are packed with lots of vitamins and minerals that keep our bodies strong and healthy. Because leafy greens come in so many different varieties and flavors, they can be added to all kinds of dishes. Next time you are at the grocery store, don’t forget to pick up some leafy greens to add a healthy boost to your meals. You could even try a different one each week and discover your favorite tastes and recipes!  








Published on April 10th, 2024

Written by Adelia Nunnally, MS/DI Student | Edited by Jung Sun Lee, PhD, RDN; Tristen T. Webb; the nutrition education team

How to Use Apples

Did you know that you could spend a quarter of your life just trying different apples? If you tried a different apple every day, it would take you about 20 years to try them all. That’s because there are more than 7,500 types of apples! 2,500 varieties of apples are grown here in the United States. Apples are a great source of fiber that can be consumed fresh or dry, or can be made into apple sauce, apple juice or jams.  

From late August to mid-December, orchards in Georgia produce the freshest and best apples! North Georgia is a fantastic place to go apple picking, especially in Ellijay, where our Gilmer County team is hard at work helping SNAP-eligible Georgians eat healthier and make the most of their SNAP dollars. Read on to find tips about cleaning, storing, cooking, and selecting apples. 


If you are making a trip to the grocery store, market, or orchard, here are some suggestions for picking the best apples!  

  • Choose apples that do not have bruises, browning, skin breaks, and decayed spots. This can be a sign of spoilage like mold or rotting. [1] 
  • Firm apples have the best quality. Soft apples can have a coarse texture and overripe flavor. [1] 
  • The little brown spots you might see on apples are called “russeting” and do not impact quality! [1] 


  • You should always wash your hands before and after handling fresh produce. Apples can simply be cleaned by washing them thoroughly under cool running water without the use of soap. [2] 


  • Apples can be refrigerated in a plastic bag away from strong-odored foods at or below 40 °F for up to 3 weeks. [3][4] Poke holes in the plastic bag for ventilation. Poking holes in the bag will help the apple retain crispness and moisture. [4] Cooked apples can be stored in the freezer (0 °F) for up to 8 months. Whole apples can otherwise be stored at room temperature for up to a week. [4] Once apples are cut, they need to be refrigerated!  


  • Ideally, fresh apples are the preferred choice for their superior quality, while canned or frozen apples, although lower in quality, can still be a budget-friendly alternative, especially when used in recipes like pies and cakes. [4] 
  • Apples can be cored and sliced into rings, wedges or chips.  
  • Apples are eaten raw, pureed to make applesauce, and dried to make chips.  
  • Apples can be baked, cooked on the stovetop, or even fried.  

Want to try nachos without the salt, but all the crunch? Try our Yummy Apple Nachos! 

Our Apple and Veggie Omelet is another great recipe to include more apples in your diet. 

Apples can be used in a variety of infused water recipes and pair well with cinnamon, citrus, cranberry, ginger, lychee, mango, rosemary and so much more. See how to do it yourself:Apple Cinnamon Infused Water

Remember that saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”? There may be some truth to that, as apples give us 20% of our daily fiber, vitamins, and minerals to keep us healthy! [3] Stay posted for our next blog in the “How to Use Seasonal Produce” series. 


Written by Claire Hawkins, MS/DI Student and Holly Cothern, Dietetics Student | Edited by Jung Sun Lee, PhD, RDN; Tristen T. Webb; the nutrition education team

From the Kitchen of Food Safety Specialist Carla Schwan

September is National Food Safety Education Month. We have some great tips to keep you feeling well with your outdoor activities this fall.

Learn tips to keep food safe whether you’re at a tailgate party cheering on your favorite sports team, a family barbecue or maybe enjoying a day at the park with your friends. Read on to learn helpful information to avoid food-borne illness in our fourth blog in our “From the Kitchen of” series. 

We are excited to introduce Dr. Carla Schwan. Carla is an assistant professor and Extension Food Safety Specialist at UGA as well as the director at the National Center for Home Food Preservation. Carla experienced a life-threatening food-borne illness when she was 12 years old after sharing a burger with her dad. The burger contained a life-threatening type of germ, Shiga toxin-producing E. coli, that led to Carla being hospitalized for a month. Not only did she suffer during this time, but in the long term, the harmful bacteria is thought to have been the cause of her developing an auto-immune disease that affects her intestines. In addition to the life-long effects of pathogenic E. coli on Carla’s health, it has cost thousands of dollars in health expenses. Sadly, this food-borne illness could have been easily prevented.

This food-borne illness led Carla to her passion for helping others learn how to avoid the terrible sickness she suffered. She went to school to receive her degree in food science. Read on for Carla’s tips to remain food-safe while enjoying activities outdoors!

Tips on staying safe while enjoying your outdoor events from Carla and other UGA Food Safety Experts can be found in this video from UGA Food Safety Experts [1]. We have highlighted some key safety tips from this video:

  1. Plan:
    • Separate coolers for drinks and food
    • Plates and utensils for handling both raw foods and cooked foods separately
    • Warming pans and fuel to keep hot food hot
    • Meat thermometer
    • Hand sanitizer or hand washing station
  2. Purchase:
    • Keep raw foods separate from already cooked foods and produce when in your cart, on the checkout belt, or in grocery bags to keep germs from spreading.
    • Come prepared with a cooler in your car if you will not be home to store your cold foods in the refrigerator within 2 hours or 1 hour if the outside temperature is above 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. Prepare:
    • Wash your hands with soap and water and wash all produce with cold running water before preparing.
    • Prepare food at home when possible- like cutting fruit and marinating meats. Be sure to store raw meat and produce in separate containers.
  4. Transport:
    • Pack the cooler with food and ice right before leaving and store in the shade when possible.
    • Fill an insulated container with hot water and dump it out carefully before storing hot food in the container.
  5. Set up:
    • Clean all working surfaces before setting out food to cook and any surfaces on which food will be served.
  6. Cook:
    • Be careful to keep raw food separate from all other cooked foods and produce.
    • Wash any surface that has touched raw meat. Wash hands with soap and water after handling raw meats.
    • Use a meat thermometer to make sure poultry is cooked to at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit and hamburgers are cooked to 160 degrees Fahrenheit.
  7. Serve:
    • Wash hands or use hand sanitizer before serving or wear plastic gloves.
    • Have a different serving utensil for each different food item.
    • Keep hot food in a warming dish with fuel underneath and cover with foil when not serving food.
    • Keep cold food stored in ice in a cooler that is separate from cold drinks. This will keep the cooler with the food from being opened every time someone gets a drink out of the cooler.
  8. Store:
    • Set a timer to put away cooked food within 2 hours, unless the temperatures are above 90 degrees Fahrenheit (store within 1 hour).
    • Only buy what you need and share leftover food with other people.

Follow these great tips from Carla when buying food for your outdoor activities:

  • Buy produce in season. See the What’s in Season Chart to determine when your favorite fruits and vegetables are being harvested in Georgia.
  • When using store-bought frozen foods like frozen vegetables, know that they are not always ready to eat. If the label does not say ready to eat, follow the directions on the package on how to cook the food.
  • Check fresh produce for insect bites, bruises, and cuts- bacteria can get in any opening in the fruit or vegetables. If the bruised part is cut away and washed, it is okay to use.
  • Follow directions on packages of already cooked meats. The package will tell you if you do not have to do anything else to the food once you open the package.

Carla’s favorite Food Talk recipes:

Carla likes to relax by listening to music in her kitchen as she cooks these recipes and more. Help us celebrate National Food Safety Education Month by practicing these food safety tips while enjoying your outdoor activities! Stay tuned for more tips from this “From the Kitchen of” blog series.

[1] Tailgating Tips from UGA Food Safety Experts

Written by Leslie C. Davis, MS, RDN, LD, CDCES | Edited by Tristen T. Webb and the nutrition education team