At some point you may have asked yourself, “Should I be drinking sports drinks when I exercise?” If you listen to commercial ads, you might think the answer is yes. Ads tell us we should all be drinking sports drinks no matter how much (or little) we exercise. That is not the full story. (more…)
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Summer Nights At Home
This summer may look a little bit different than most, but that does not mean that it has to lose its spark. There are still plenty of activities for all ages that can be done right in the comfort of your home… or maybe in the backyard! Here is a list of ideas for the family nights to come: (more…)
Spending the Summer Outdoors
The summer can be a great time to get outside and be active with family and friends. Read on for some of our favorite, low-cost ways to enjoy the sunshine and nature, plus a few additional ways that you can beat the heat. (more…)
Class Is In Session… At Home!
Did you know that you have the opportunity to receive nutrition education from the comfort of your home? (more…)