Sometimes we check our bank account and think, “What in the world did I buy?” Food can be an easy place for our budget to slip. Eating out with friends and family has become more common because it’s so quick and easy. Even grocery bills can add up if we are not careful.
Plan Ahead
Save Money on Food
Eating healthier can seem like an expensive choice, but many healthy foods and dishes can be made on a tight budget! Planning ahead and making strategic decisions can help you make healthier choices while keeping your budget on track. (more…)
Meal Planning
Sometimes planning meals seems like it can take up more time than it’s worth (especially when you’re busy), but planning meals ahead can end up saving you a lot of time in the long run.
12 goals for a better 2019
There’s a lot of pressure to accomplish big New Year’s Resolutions. Instead of focusing on one large goal, what if you broke down each month into a smaller goal?