What is sodium?
Table salt–the most common form of salt–is a combination of sodium and chloride. It is used to preserve food and enhance flavor. Overeating foods with salt can increase your risk for high blood pressure and other diseases.
Helping Georgians Eat Healthy & Get Moving
Table salt–the most common form of salt–is a combination of sodium and chloride. It is used to preserve food and enhance flavor. Overeating foods with salt can increase your risk for high blood pressure and other diseases.
When your child gets home from school, we know you want to give them something healthy. We also know you want something quick and easy! We’ve pulled together some healthful snack ideas that don’t require any preparation, some that can be quickly prepared, and one easy, adventurous option!
There’s a lot of pressure to accomplish big New Year’s Resolutions. Instead of focusing on one large goal, what if you broke down each month into a smaller goal?