Breaking Down Types of Fats
Did you know that there are several different types of fats? From butter to lard or oil, fats can be very different from one another and have different effects on the body.
Helping Georgians Eat Healthy & Get Moving
Did you know that there are several different types of fats? From butter to lard or oil, fats can be very different from one another and have different effects on the body.
We’re 🎵all about those beans, ’bout those beans!🎵 But where do they go on MyPlate? Since beans fall into a unique category, it might be confusing when it comes to preparing a balanced meal. Generally, regular meat eaters will count beans and peas toward their vegetable intake (shown on a MyPlate).
People make thousands of food choices every day. These choices can be between choosing oatmeal or a sausage biscuit for breakfast, eating out instead of cooking at home, or even putting creamer in your coffee or having it black.
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, occurs when there is too much force on your arteries as your heart beats.