This Food Talk Features blog is about all things green! Well… Green vegetables! Dark green vegetables support a healthy heart, digestive system, and everything in between. Learn why we love this veggie sub-group.

Helping Georgians Eat Healthy & Get Moving
This Food Talk Features blog is about all things green! Well… Green vegetables! Dark green vegetables support a healthy heart, digestive system, and everything in between. Learn why we love this veggie sub-group.
Physical activity isn’t just exercise – it is any way you move your body using energy. Dancing, walking, and gardening are all fun examples of physical activity.
“Are you on SNAP benefits? You may notice some changes to your benefit amounts through June of this year. Check out what this means for your family!”
Milk is an affordable source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. We’re diving into the benefits of milk, why some people feel sick after drinking it, and options for similar nutrient-rich drinks and food!