Here in Georgia, we are lucky as it’s fairly easy to eat an apple a day. Did you know that we grow about 14 different varieties of apples in Georgia? North Georgia is home to several apple orchards and fall is peak apple picking season. [1]

Besides the fact that a crisp, juicy apple tastes great, apples pack a nutritional punch for relatively few calories. One medium apple is only about 95 calories and contains about 10 percent of the daily recommended intake of Vitamin C, 3 grams of fiber, and phytochemicals that may help prevent chronic diseases.

Apples also will keep well for up to 3 weeks in the refrigerator – a bonus when you are trying to reduce your trips to the grocery store or farmers market. [2]

apple slices on cracker
Apple cracker sandwich with nut butter

While we think the best way to enjoy an apple is to eat it right out of your hand….whole and fresh…. here are some additional ways to enjoy apples.

    • Here’s a video of how to make apple nachos for the family.
    • Make an apple sandwich! Cut an apple into thin slices and spread two slices with nut butter or stuff them with a slice of cheese or the filling of your choice.
    • Try the reverse… add apple slices to your favorite sandwich for a little extra sweet crunch.
    • Dice up an apple and throw it on top of your salad.
    • Drink up fall flavor! Add sliced apples and cinnamon to create your next favorite drink with this fruit-infused flavored water recipe.
    • Stretch your meat budget by adding chopped apples to your favorite chicken salad. Here is an apple-chicken-salad recipe we like.[3]
    • APPLE CHIPS!! Lastly, baked apple chips are a fun, kid-friendly activity, and snack. Slice 2 apples thinly, lay a single layer on baking sheets, sprinkle with cinnamon, and bake at 200 degrees F for 2 hours (turning slices over halfway through). Remove from the oven and cool!

baked apple chips

Any way you slice them, apples are tops in our book.

Written by Laurel Sanville, MS, RDN, LD  Edited by the Nutrition Team

[1] Georgia Grown

[2] National Center for Home Food Preservation

[3] MyPlate Kitchen